Ask an Advisor: Should I worry about short-term volatility?

    In recent weeks, the markets have had a few red days and a fair share of green days. When markets seem to be fluctuating up or down rapidly, this is called volatility. Seeing larger-than-usual changes in your accounts on a daily basis can incite uncertainty for investors. Should investors act when encountering volatility?

    If your portfolio is aligned to your financial plan, there should be no need to take action. Here at WSP, we are big picture investors. We invest money is to help ensure it grows over a long period of time, and for us to do that, it takes patience. If investors become reactive and stray from their financial plan every time the market runs into a rough patch, the likelihood they
    meet their goals drops dramatically.

    One of our main jobs as wealth advisors is to help coach investors through volatility. We are focused on making sure you understand your financial plan, and how we navigate the ups and downs of the market. Whether the markets are green or red, our goal is to help make sure your financial plan can withstand even the most unpredictable of markets.

    If you have questions about Keeping Your Financial House In Order, give us a call today at (615)457-3481 or email me at!

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