Is it time for a spring cleaning of your estate plan?

Dear WSP Family & Friends,
As spring begins to turn into summer, it’s time to finish any remaining spring cleaning items left on your list. But spring cleaning should go beyond living spaces—your estate plan may also need attention, too.
Wills and trusts are imperative to your financial plan so that your loved ones know your wishes, potentially save on taxes, administer your estate, pay final bills and distribute assets according to your desires.Without a plan in place, settling your affairs could have costly financial and emotional impacts.
Choosing between a will, trust or both is personal. Trusts typically allow you to avoid potentially costly probate and create smoother estate transfers. Wills are critical for naming guardianships of minor children and are less complex to create and easier to revise than trusts.
This spring, our team can help determine whether you need a will, trust or both and help you better preserve, protect and transfer wealth to individuals and organizations you care about most. To help get started, we’re sharing an assessment tool that will help our team focus on your priorities.
**Estate Planning Assessment**
If you would like to make an appointment to discuss establishing or updating your estate plan, reply to this email or call our office.
Paul Allen